X-Ray film recycling services

BBB Accredited x-ray recycling company

X-Ray film recycling - X-Ray film pick-up by state - Contact us - Frequently asked questions - HIPAA Information

X-Ray film recycling schedule pick-up form.

If you would like to schedule a free pick up for recycling x-rays please fill out this quick form, we will contact you soon in order to confirm the pick-up information.

Contact information

Organization Name:
Contact name*:
Contact phone*:
Contact Email:

Pick-up information

Pick-up street address:
Zip code*:

X-rays lot information (optional)

Total number of boxes ready: (if in boxes)
Type of film:

Preferred pick-up date and time.

We pickup any business day with 1 day notice, we need a 3 hours window for the pick-up.
Please mention your preferred pick-up date and time.
Feel free to add any comments about the pick-up.

Why choose B.W. Recycling, Inc for recycling your x-rays.

Films weight calculator.

Licensed and Certified silver recyclers.
EPA ID #: FLD984167080
Silver recovery from x-rays
Los Angeles
Industrial film recycling


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